
How do I save money with my warehouse operations?

Calculator and vice with coins clamped in it to illustrate saving money.

There is a direct connection between customer retention and efficiency of warehouse. Here are some warehouse improvement ideas that can also help you save money.

Optimise Warehouse Storage

Storage cost is a significant contributor to overall expenses. By reviewing your storage processes, you may be able to accommodate more products, and therefore streamline operations and reduce costs.

Our Solutions team uses the best technology to quickly assess your warehouse design and storage capabilities.

Let Advanced Technology Work for You:

It’s time to apply automated technological support to your warehouse operations that will save you money, time and resources. Despite the need for an upfront cost, investing in advanced technology will save you money in the long-term by managing the cost that comes with quality control, mistakes, and less efficiency.

Optimise your Warehouse Operations: 

Optimised Spaces:

Optimised spaces allow you to manage materials in a safe and secure method, provided if it executed properly. If you wisely use warehouse spaces it saves your operational expenses, flexible storage capacity, damage reduction and labour safety too.

Inventory Visibility: 

Warehouse operations support visibility and accuracy through real-time inventory levels and keep in conjunction with overall cost optimisation.   

Use of Advanced Technology:

Manual labour costs include wages, facilities and perks like medical insurance etc. By applying advanced technology and operational automated systems will increase performance, reduce costs and time it takes to complete tasks.

Optimisation of Essential Services: 

The cost of warehouse maintenance is based on services, storehouse space, transportation and general organisational processes. By prioritising and streamlining essential services will enable ways to reduce cost. 

On the blog: Manage your warehouse space and overflow storage requirements better. Click on this banner to read the article.

How Do I Optimise My Warehouse Operations and Save Money?

Optimising and improving the warehouse operation automatically reduces downtime and enhances your productivity. Here are few considerations to focus on:

Apply Advanced Technology to Track Inventory: 

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an advanced technology that monitors your products throughout the warehouse. You can’t only track your inventories and list of items from its entry to dispatch, but also it can be more suitable to have barcodes or tags to keep details secure and tracked throughout.

Use of the Warehouse Management System (WMS):

Scanning product codes provides details about stored items in your Warehouse Management System (WMS). It ultimately helps you with plan layout, workflow and increase in efficiency.

Maintenance of Tools & Equipment:

Tools and equipment which are part of warehouse material handling need regular checkups and maintenance. A breakdown during its usage may result in huge amounts in repairs. Be sure to prepare a schedule or timetable for routine maintenance. This simple act increases the life and utility span of warehouse equipment.

Effective Strategies for Your Warehouse Operation:

Warehouse strategies involve essential methods like investments and operational costs however some methods are easy to apply to also help you reduce these costs.

Reduce Handling and Touches

An effective way to reduce cost is to streamline your operations and best industry practices to reduce multiple touch points and manual handlings. 


Effective slotting practices can lower the costs of picking, loading and storing, and eventually improves productivity and operations at the same time.  

Performance Reporting

Effective measurements and reporting methods can track performance at a detailed level and provide insights at activity level. Having this data will assist in continuous improvement methods and manage performance at frequent intervals.

How Can I Reduce More Cost?

If you believe that there’s an opportunity to reduce cost in your warehouse operations but don’t know where to start, contact uTenant. We will guide and assist you on effective strategies to help you to reduce costs. 

Published: 1 August 2021