
What are the characteristics of strong supply chain leadership?

The supply chain is the heart of your company's operations which means that supply chain leadership is at the heart of your supply chain.

In this article, we'll look at some of the top supply chain leadership qualities and how to upskill you can use them to improve your supply chain operations...

Manager standing with warehouse team

But First, Let's Learn About the Concept of a Great Supply Chain:

In an ideal world, a great supply chain represents the steps it takes to get your products from its origin to the end consumer with a frictionless experience.

But in the real world, things go wrong. A lot. Which is why strong supply chain leadership is the central piece for supply chain excellence. Supply chain leadership understands as well as influences the business objectives and strategic achievements of the company.

What Characteristics Make for Strong Supply Chain Leadership?

Proactive Strategy:

Data is your best friend.

If any sudden changes or disruption occurs, your supply chain needs to be proactive. With the help of data modelling and research, you can get insights and information into how you can prepare and solve.


Without all the answers on hand, your decisions will oftentimes need to be based on Historical Data or (let's face it), instinct. Work on your decision-making skills and use the resources and people you have around you.

Satisfying Consumers with Speed of Delivery:

Speed of Delivery is a priority for this generation of supply chain. As a result, it will become more critical for supply chains to respond to demands as fast as possible to ensure fast delivery for retailers and customers. As a leader, prioritise this a customer retention strategy.

Aligning Tactics with Innovation:

Every supply chain needs innovation, technology and consistent work to get you there. An leader who embraces innovation ensures that you keep a competitive advantage, and offer excellent services across all phases of your supply chain.

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Advantages of Effective Strong Supply Chain Leadership Management:

Better Collaboration:

Data and information flow is a major challenge. In fact, 76% of organisations lack an automated flow of data across their supply chain. However, with the help of integrated software, you can easily share information, provide a big-picture view of the supply chain and improve data for better collaboration.

Help to Manage Performances with Standards and KPI's:

A great supply chain leader facilitates logistics instrumentation by hiring people the right skills for the right jobs. But recruiting is only the first step. Retain your teams by training them on how to work best within your company's structure and network, as well as how to monitor and uphold performance standards.

Actions > Words

If you have experience with each aspect of your supply chain, you earn an in-depth understanding of what is involved at every stage of the supply chain cycle. Where you can, gain some experience across the fields you're not as familiar with.

Future Supply Chain Skills:

The supply chain is one of the most complex and evolving parts of business. Where tools and strategies also continue to evolve, the need for strong supply change leadership will continue to be crucial to the success of any organisation.

The future of Supply Chain skills will include:

  • Project management
  • eCommerce
  • Online procurement
  • Technological/information skills.

Aspects of Top Performing Supply Chain Leaders:


The top supply chain leaders provide valuable lessons in supply chain excellence consistently. This consistency of leadership merged with a strong supply chain vision that makes a difference in services.

A Clear Vision of Supply Chain Strategy:

A strong Supply Chain strategy is everything, but by remaining clear and open with this strategy will not only help your team understand your reasoning, but will increase efficiency when implementing.

Published: 29 September 2021